class Transaction<> extends TransactionContext {}
function constructor< TResult = Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">,>(
Encode the function data for this transaction
function encode(): string;
Estimate the total gas cost of this transaction (in both ether and wei)
function estimateGasCost(): Promise<{ ether: string; wei: BigNumber;}>;
Estimate the gas limit of this transaction
function estimateGasLimit(): Promise<BigNumber>;
Send the transaction and wait for it to be mined
function execute(): Promise<TResult>;
function getGaslessOptions(): | undefined | { experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; openzeppelin: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; useEOAForwarder: boolean; }; } | { biconomy: { apiId: string; apiKey: string; deadlineSeconds: number; }; } | { engine: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; }; experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; };
let returnType: | undefined | { experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; openzeppelin: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; useEOAForwarder: boolean; }; } | { biconomy: { apiId: string; apiKey: string; deadlineSeconds: number; }; } | { engine: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; }; experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; };
function populateTransaction(): Promise<TransactionRequest>;
Send the transaction without waiting for it to be mined.
function send(): Promise<ContractTransaction>;
function setGaslessOptions( options: | undefined | { experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; openzeppelin: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; useEOAForwarder: boolean; }; } | { biconomy: { apiId: string; apiKey: string; deadlineSeconds: number; }; } | { engine: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; }; experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; },
let options: | undefined | { experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; openzeppelin: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; useEOAForwarder: boolean; }; } | { biconomy: { apiId: string; apiKey: string; deadlineSeconds: number; }; } | { engine: { domainName: string; domainSeparatorVersion: string; domainVersion: string; relayerForwarderAddress?: string; relayerUrl: string; }; experimentalChainlessSupport: boolean; };
function setParse(
Get the signed transaction
function sign(): Promise<string>;
Simulate the transaction on-chain without executing
function simulate(): Promise<any>;
function fromContractInfo< TResult = Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">,>(
function fromContractWrapper< TContract extends BaseContract, TResult = Omit<TransactionResultWithMetadata<unknown>, "data">,>(
TContract, TResult>;
Inherited from
function getArgs(): Array<any>;
Inherited from
Calculates the gas price for transactions (adding a 10% tip buffer)
function getGasPrice(): Promise<BigNumber>;
Inherited from
function getOverrides(): CallOverrides;
Inherited from
Get the address of the transaction signer
function getSignerAddress(): Promise<string>;
Inherited from
function getValue(): BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>;
Inherited from
function setAccessList( accessList: undefined | AccessListish,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setArgs(args: Array<any>): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setCcipReadEnabled( ccipReadEnabled: undefined | boolean,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setCustomData( customData: undefined | Record<string, any>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setGasLimit( gasLimit: undefined | BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
Set a multiple to multiply the gas limit by
// Set the gas limit multiple to 1.2 (increase by 20%)tx.setGasLimitMultiple(1.2);
function setGasLimitMultiple(factor: number): void;
Inherited from
function setGasPrice( gasPrice: undefined | BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setMaxFeePerGas( maxFeePerGas: undefined | BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setMaxPriorityFeePerGas( maxPriorityFeePerGas: | undefined | BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setNonce( nonce: undefined | BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setOverrides(overrides: CallOverrides): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setType(type: undefined | number): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function setValue( value: undefined | BigNumberish | Promise<BigNumberish>,): TransactionContext;
Inherited from
function updateOverrides( overrides: CallOverrides,): TransactionContext;
let getProvider: Provider;
let getSigner: Signer;