Retrieves chain data for a given chain.
const chain = defineChain({ id: 1 });const chainData = await getChainMetadata(chain);console.log(chainData);
function getChainMetadata(chain: { readonly blockExplorers?: Array<{ apiUrl?: string; name: string; url: string; }>; readonly experimental?: { increaseZeroByteCount?: boolean }; readonly faucets?: Array<string>; readonly icon?: Icon; readonly id: number; readonly name?: string; readonly nativeCurrency?: { decimals?: number; name?: string; symbol?: string; }; readonly rpc: string; readonly testnet?: true;
The chain object containing the chain ID.
let chain: { readonly blockExplorers?: Array<{ apiUrl?: string; name: string; url: string; }>; readonly experimental?: { increaseZeroByteCount?: boolean }; readonly faucets?: Array<string>; readonly icon?: Icon; readonly id: number; readonly name?: string; readonly nativeCurrency?: { decimals?: number; name?: string; symbol?: string; }; readonly rpc: string; readonly testnet?: true;};
A Promise that resolves to the chain data.