Prepares a transaction with the given options.
import { prepareTransaction, toWei } from "thirdweb";import { ethereum } from "thirdweb/chains";const transaction = prepareTransaction({ to: "0x1234567890123456789012345678901234567890", chain: ethereum, client: thirdwebClient, value: toWei("1.0"), gasPrice: 30n,});
function prepareTransaction< abi extends Abi = [], abiFn extends AbiFunction = AbiFunction,>( options: PrepareTransactionOptions, info?: Additional<abi, abiFn>,): PreparedTransaction<abi, abiFn, PrepareTransactionOptions>;
The options for preparing the transaction.
let options: PrepareTransactionOptions;
Additional information about the ABI function.
let info: Additional<abi, abiFn>;
let returnType: PreparedTransaction< abi, abiFn, PrepareTransactionOptions>;
The prepared transaction.